Das Bild zeigt einen Konferenztisch auf dem einzelne Papierunterlagen mit Grafiken und Text liegen. Im Fokus des Bildes ist ein Kugelschreiber in Nahaufnahme, im Hintergrund sind verschwommen die Konturen eines Computers und von Stühlen erkennbar.

Information for refugees from Ukraine

Opportunities to work in local crafts

Our craft businesses are active in many different sectors and would like to offer you professional prospects.

The following industries can be found in our region:

  • Construction and finishing trades
  • Electrical and metal trades
  • Clothing, textile and leather trades
  • food industry
  • Health and personal care industries
  • Glass, paper and other trades

If you have a work permit in Germany, you can work in your field of expertise. The following regulations apply with regard to craft trades: If you want to become a self-employed entrepreneur in the so-called "licensable trade", your professional qualification must be recognised.

You can obtain a residence permit in accordance with Section 24 of the Residence Act from the regional immigration authorities. This must contain the note "Erwerbstätigkeit erlaubt" (Employment permitted).

This allows you to work in the craft you have learned.

Are you looking for a job in one of the around 22,100 craft businesses in our region? The Chemnitz Chamber of Crafts will be happy to support you in establishing contacts with suitable companies. If you are interested, please contact Julia Berger: